Duration   3-4 months (90 minutes/week)

Age Group                      3 Year and Above                  

Brain Boosting Exercises

The brain is the vital organ of the human body. Our brain is made up of muscles and blood. Brain contains billions of neurons which carry the information which we perceive from outer world. We can call brain as Central Processing Unit (CPU) of our human computer. A person whose brain is dead is declared dead.

Our brain is divided in two parts and these are called left hemisphere & right hemisphere. Left brain controls the right half of the body and right brain controls left half of the body.

A person can either be right-brained or left-brained. It means that one side of the brain is dominant. The left-brained dominant people are methodical and analytical in nature. Those right-brained dominant are creative and artistic.

We take care of our cloths, food and other luxuries but do we really do something for keeping our brain charged up all the time? Our brain helps us in living successful life but how we treat and what we feed to our brain.

In-fact most of the people even don’t think about it.

Our brain boosting exercises help in activation of both part of brain which is a must for young
students. Extra care of brain should be done during the time when brain development of a child takes place. These workouts help students to use their both the hands and apart from it, we also focus on their hand & mind coordination.

These are fun filled activities and students relish them. They do fun activities but hone their mind through unconscious modelling. It also helps them in improving focus in studies. Overall, it helps students in laying solid foundation for their bright future.

It is one-time investment but returns will be for lifetime.


My daughter really enjoys the fun filled brain boosting exercises.
Ms. Seema – Mother of Blessy (Haridwar)
My son feels much better and focused now when he studies after doing these exercises.
Ms. Divya - Mother of Aarnay (Dehradun)
This is the first channel by whom everything is crystal clear........love you sir
Rupali Bahuguna