The management of effective corporate governance is the process of establishing guidelines, policies, rules and resolutions that promote positive corporate behavior and a positive work culture. It also protects organisations against business risks and crises like cyber-security threats, corruption in leadership recessions in the economy, and political instability. It includes contingency plans that assist businesses in coping with these challenges and come out the other side stronger and more resilient.

Corporate governance structures and practices vary depending on a company’s size, industry, ownership structure and the jurisdiction. Despite their variations, these governance systems and practices must have a common goal – constructing value over time for shareholders. They must also be able to adapt their governance practices to achieve this aim.

The board of directors for a company is responsible for setting strategic objectives, appointing and overseeing senior management, and representing the interests of shareholders. Board members must be aware of their responsibilities, and work with the company’s top management to ensure that their responsibilities are carried out in a way which promotes growth for the business and financial performance.

Stakeholders should be encouraged be involved in shareholder outreach and dialogue with the management and board of a company. This will allow them to voice their opinions recognized in areas that typically, fall under the remit of management and the board–such as strategic direction and decisionmaking. When doing this it is vital for management and the board to be transparent and honest with the stakeholders regarding their governance structures and practices as well as their motivations for using them.