Duration 3-4 months/level (2 hrs/week)
Age Group 5 Year and Above
Distinctive Abacus
Abacus is an old age way of learning math and doing calculations faster. But now a days it has been accepted worldwide for overall development of a child. The brain consists of two hemispheres, the left and the right. The left side of the brain is used for logical processing, mathematic functions, sequencing, and linear processes.
The right side of the brain is used for imagination, visualization, intuition, and rhythm. In traditional teaching we were only focusing on left side but When children are taught the abacus, they are training the right side of their brain too. The abacus taps into the need for visualization, imagination, (mental abacus) and intuition.
In Distinctive Abacus, along with arithmetic calculations we focus on programming subconscious mind of a child in early childhood to build strong believe system that will help them to achieve goals of their life.
e-Techno Mind Distinctive Abacus will build strong foundation in your child
- Boosts Confidence in child.
- Improves Visualization power.
- Improves Recall.
- Improves mental calculations.
- Removes fear of Math.
- Enhances Recall capability.
- Trains Memory.
- Converts numbers to images in the right part of brain leading to faster recall, improved memory & increased concentration of the child.
Prelevel: This level is specifically designed for 5 -6 year old child. In this level, child will learn basic concepts of abacus tool and simple addition and subtraction on the tool.
Level 1: This level is for 6 year and above child. Child will learn all 34 formulas for doing addition and subtraction. Child will also do mental calculations of single digit up to 10-15 lengths.
Level 2: Child will make foothold in single digit table up to 20 lengths. Students will learn concepts of Double digit and do single digit on software.
Level 3: Child will learn concepts of multiplication along with triple digit Additions. At this stage development of photo graphic memory is on peak. Child is able to do mental calculations of single and double digit along with multiplication.
Level 4: Child will make foothold in double digit tables up to 50 lengths. Child will also do mental calculation of single, double and triple digit numbers. Child will be introduced to new concepts of multiplication and division.
Level 5: Child will make foothold in double digit numbers up to 100 lengths. Child will perform mental calculations of single, double and triple digit at high speed. Child will learn advance concepts of multiplication and divisions. Child will also perform mental multiplication and divisions.
Level 6: Child will make foothold in triple digit tables. Child will perform mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division at much Advanced level.
Advance Level: Child will learn concept of Fractions, Decimal, square root and cube roots. A high-level time bound practice sheets has been designed to achieve grand level mental calculations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.